I love exotic travel, healthy cooking, amazing wine and helping women who are overwhelmed, regain clarity through healthy habits and a transformed perspective to rediscover their happy place.

when a woman is empowered with healthy lifestyle and simple nutrition strategies, coupled with a mindset makeover, she cultivates a life that is filled with joy, appreciation and self-love. It rocks my world to witness the shift women make when they let go of their old story and embrace who they actually are.

They are self-educated on nutritional trends, are intelligent and know what to do, but have found that one size doesn’t fit all.
They are ready to be led by someone who has a simple and effective program that will investigate the root cause of their problem as opposed to a band aid to cover their symptoms.
They are done chasing the proverbial quick fix and are frustrated with being stuck in a cat-and- mouse game with their own health.
They are ready to be empowered with strategies and tools to manage and support their own health.
They are willing to release what no longer serves them and are open to new possibilities and personal growth.